Info you need to know!!
The following websites are favorites of mine and you should take a looky at them. If you really like them (or the info on them) E-mail me and let me know!

This is me in South Park form...ain't it neato.
Useful things on the net...
AltaVista's Babel Fish Translation
It uses this, in order translate the information of other languages to your own ones!
Just the best darn searchin' site out there!
Need a business or personal phone number or address? Look it up here.
Some of my PERSONAL Favorites...
Need to know? Ask It Here!!
A local band in Birmingham, Alabama. Alternative/Rock.
Another local band in Birmingham, Alabama! They just went Nationwide.... Listen for the song "Not Tonight" coming soon to a radio near you!
Loren's Animations!
A friend of mine's animations...they are pretty darn cool if you ask me... What do you think?
Penguin Game
How far can you hit the penguin?
Just one of the funniest comic strips on the net today!
Funny Horn Guy
You will need Windows Media Player and Speakers, but you will be amazed!
President GWB is Gollum!
You just have to see this!
Even if you here for nothing else...check out those awesome photos!